notes on the project
Oltremai transport us to imaginative universes of humor and poetry. Spots, signs and gestures with a strong spontaneity show murky scenarios of a freely inspired dark fairy tale to the homonymous illustrated book by Lorenzo Mattotti.
The short format OLTREMAI creation is the first chapter of the show SIMPOSIO DEL SILENZIO.
created and interpreted by
Lucrezia Maimone
sound design
Lorenzo Crivellari
Zerogrammi/Permutazioni 2018
support by Regione Piemonte MIBAC
category dancetheatre
duration 12 min
staff on tour 1 artist + 1 technician
photography Dietrich Steinmetz​
supported by Festival Cortoindanza 2018 | Tersicorea
MiBACT - Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali
Regione autonoma della Sardegna - Assessorato Pubblica istruzione Beni Culturali - informazione - Spettacolo e sport